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[…]ha preso un badile nella rimessa, poi ha iniziato a tracciare delle linee sulla terra. Non erano precise, ma sembravano volute, ragionate. Dalla finestra aveva l’aspetto di un uomo concentrato, quasi seguisse delle istruzioni invisibili, senza fogli né parole.
Copertina illustrata da Gabriele Pino
[…] took a spade from the shed, then started drawing lines on the ground. They weren’t clear, but they looked spiral-like, logical. Through the window he had the face of a man concentrating, as if following invisible instructions with neither paper nor words.
Cover illustrated by Gabriele Pino
Sertec Engineering, MACAM, Rantan, Valle Orco Climbing Festival, Politecnico di Torino, Sandra Baruzzi e Guglielmo Marthyn, Raffaella Cegna, Hemp Family Valchiusella, HempShop Canapese Social Club
Digital product
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